Sunday, September 5, 2010


I've lost hope of ever being any good at my current career... Every day I go to work, I pretty much feel terrible about myself and am finding this intolerable. So, maybe this is a passing feeling and I'll regain a minimal level of confidence... Or not. Nevertheless, without this job, my life is a bucket of shit... The truth is that most of the people who work in this profession are nerdier, geekier, smarter, more focused, more productive, and younger than me. I just don't see how there's a future for me in it.... and I have no other talents with which I can make a living. Every day, I am humiliated by my counterparts who are obviously much more talented than me. It's an intolerable situation for me, and it's unsustainable.

Without the security of a career, everything else is on hold. No buying a house. No planning anything.